%%{init: {"theme": "white", "themeVariables": {"fontSize": "48px"}, "flowchart":{"htmlLabels":false}}}%% flowchart TD N[Number of Users] --> N_active[Number of Active Users] N_active --> Retention[Retention] Retention --> Revenue[Revenue]
Machine Learning Week - 2023
Mathematician & Data Scientist
Introduction: Business Problem (retention)
Some Bottom-Up Approaches
Simple Cohort Retention Model (GLM)
Retention Model with BART
Cohort Revenue-Retention Model
During January \(2020\), \(100\) users signed up for a service (cohort).
In February \(2020\), there were \(17\) users from the \(2020-01\) cohort active (e.g. did at least one purchase). The retention rate is \(17\%\).
We want to understand and predict how retention develops over time.
The main motivation is to estimate customer lifetime value (CLV).
Shifted Beta Geometric (Contractual)
An individual remains a customer of the company with constant retention probability \(1 - \theta\).
Heterogeneity: \(\theta \sim \text{Beta}(a, b)\).
BG/NBD Model (Non-Contractual)
See pymc-marketing
Modeling Strategy: Close cohorts behave similarly.
\[\begin{align*} N_{\text{active}} \sim & \: \text{Binomial}(N_{\text{total}}, p) \\ \textrm{logit}(p) = & \: ( \text{intercept} \\ & + \beta_{\text{cohort age}} \text{cohort age} \\ & + \beta_{\text{age}} \text{age} \\ & + \beta_{\text{cohort age} \times \text{age}} \text{cohort age} \times \text{age} \\ & + \beta_{\text{seasonality}} \text{seasonality} ) \end{align*}\]
where \(p\) represents the retention and \(\text{logit}: (0, 1) \longrightarrow \mathbb{R}\) is defined by \(\text{logit}(p) = \log\left(\frac{p}{1-p}\right)\).
In many real-world scenarios, the data is more complex and the linear model is not enough. We need a more flexible model that can capture non-linearities and interactions.
We care about uncertainty.
We want to be able to iterate fast.
Interested in out-of-sample predictions.
We want to couple retention modeling with revenue modeling (CLV).
Bayesian “sum-of-trees” model where each tree is constrained by a regularization prior to be a weak learner.
To fit the sum-of-trees model, BART uses PGBART, an inference algorithm based on the particle Gibbs method.
BART depends on the number of trees \(m\in \mathbb{N}\) and prior parameters \(\alpha \in (0, 1)\) and \(\beta \in [0, \infty)\) so that the probability that a node at depth \(d \in \mathbb{N}_{0}\) is nonterminal is \(\alpha(1 + d)^{-\beta}\).
BART is implemented in pymc-bart
\[\begin{align*} N_{\text{active}} & \sim \text{Binomial}(N_{\text{total}}, p) \\ \textrm{logit}(p) & = \text{BART}(\text{cohort age}, \text{age}, \text{month}) \end{align*}\]
%%{init: {"theme": "white", "themeVariables": {"fontSize": "48px"}, "flowchart":{"htmlLabels":false}}}%% flowchart TD N[Number of Users] --> N_active[Number of Active Users] N_active --> Retention[Retention] Retention --> Revenue[Revenue]
\[\begin{align*} \textrm{logit}(p) & = \text{BART}(\text{cohort age}, \text{age}, \text{month}) \\ N_{\text{active}} & \sim \text{Binomial}(N_{\text{total}}, p) \end{align*}\]
\[\begin{align*} \log(\lambda) = \: (& \text{intercept} \\ & + \beta_{\text{cohort age}} \text{cohort age} \\ & + \beta_{\text{age}} \text{age} \\ & + \beta_{\text{cohort age} \times \text{age}} \text{cohort age} \times \text{age}) \\ \text{Revenue} & \sim \text{Gamma}(N_{\text{active}}, \lambda) \end{align*}\]
mu = pmb.BART(
name="mu", X=x, Y=train_retention_logit, m=100, response="mix", dims="obs"
p = pm.Deterministic(name="p", var=pm.math.invlogit(mu), dims="obs")
lam_log = pm.Deterministic(
+ b_age_scaled * age_scaled
+ b_cohort_age_scaled * cohort_age_scaled
+ b_age_cohort_age_interaction * age_scaled * cohort_age_scaled,
lam = pm.Deterministic(name="lam", var=pm.math.exp(lam_log), dims="obs")
n_active_users_estimated = pm.Binomial(
x = pm.Gamma(
alpha=n_active_users_estimated + eps,
Understand retention and revenue drivers.
Factor out seasonality.
External covariates (e.g. acquisition channel).
Forecast revenue and retention (cohort lifetime value).
Causal Inference
Counterfactural analysis.
Geo experiments.
“Counting Your Customers” the Easy Way: An Alternative to the Pareto/NBD Model, see pymc-marketing
example here.
How to Project Customer Retention, see pymc-marketing
example here.