2 min read

From Pelican to Blogdown

Here I want to discuss my transition from Pelican to Blogdown and present some personal learnings. In June 2017 I decided to build a personal website/portafolio. I chose Pelican, because:

Overall, it was easy getting started. Nevertheless, I encounter the following challenges with the Alchemy template:

  • Including Jupyter notebooks: I had some guidance by Dror Atariah (go and check his nice blog!). I must admit that the integration of the liquid_tags plugin was somehow tricky. I had to include a _nb_header.html file.

  • It was not straight forward to enable Mathjax. I had to include it myself following this repository.

  • I also wanted to include R notebooks. This was not straightforward. An initial attempt was following the ideas of this post using the rmd_reader plugin, which needs rpy2 to work. The problem ist that this module is not available anymore for Python 3.X. As a work around, I found a post where an R function is provided in order to render R Notebooks into Pelican format.

Why did I decide to move to blogdown?

Last week I attended an R-Users meetup in Berlin where one of the talks was about: Code-centric websites with Blogdown. I has a quite interesting introduction to Blogdown. Yo can find the content here. I decided to give it a go and within 2 days I was able to move, format and render all my posts! Here are some nice features which made me choose Blogdown:

  • Everithing can be donde inside RStudio.

  • Easy integration of R and Jupyter notebooks as well (see this post). One can directly convert a Jupyter notebook to markdown by running the command

    jupyter nbconvert --to markdown my_notebook.ipynb

  • Great documentation.

  • Good integration with GitHub Pages.

  • Easy to use Google Analytics.

  • Here is a post on how include Font Awesome icons.