Here I want to discuss my transition from Pelican to Blogdown and present some personal learnings. In June 2017 I decided to build a personal website/portafolio. I chose Pelican, because:
It is written in Python, which was the programing language I was mainly working on.
I wanted to include some Jupyter notebook I had already written.
A great post: Building a data science portfolio: Making a data science blog explaining the procedure and using GitHub Pages to publist it.
Overall, it was easy getting started. Nevertheless, I encounter the following challenges with the Alchemy template:
Including Jupyter notebooks: I had some guidance by Dror Atariah (go and check his nice blog!). I must admit that the integration of the liquid_tags plugin was somehow tricky. I had to include a
file.It was not straight forward to enable Mathjax. I had to include it myself following this repository.
I also wanted to include R notebooks. This was not straightforward. An initial attempt was following the ideas of this post using the
plugin, which needs rpy2 to work. The problem ist that this module is not available anymore for Python 3.X. As a work around, I found a post where an R function is provided in order to render R Notebooks into Pelican format.
Why did I decide to move to blogdown?
Last week I attended an R-Users meetup in Berlin where one of the talks was about: Code-centric websites with Blogdown. I has a quite interesting introduction to Blogdown. Yo can find the content here. I decided to give it a go and within 2 days I was able to move, format and render all my posts! Here are some nice features which made me choose Blogdown:
Everithing can be donde inside RStudio.
Easy integration of R and Jupyter notebooks as well (see this post). One can directly convert a Jupyter notebook to markdown by running the command
jupyter nbconvert --to markdown my_notebook.ipynb
Great documentation.
Good integration with GitHub Pages.
Easy to use Google Analytics.
Here is a post on how include Font Awesome icons.